Here's a little code snip for connecting to Aws Sqs from Go. It connects to a queue. Posts a message and pops it off and prints it.
It uses the great and very helpful (goamz)[] lib, (sqs package)[].
package main
import (
func log_err(err error) {
if err != nil {
fmt.Println("Error ---")
func main() {
accessKey := "your key"
secretKey := "your value"
queue_name := "golang-test-queue"
auth := aws.Auth{AccessKey: accessKey, SecretKey: secretKey}
region := aws.USEast
aws_sqs := sqs.New(auth, region)
queue, err := aws_sqs.CreateQueue(queue_name)
if err != nil {
queue.SendMessage("hello world")
resp, err := queue.ReceiveMessage(1)
if err != nil {
fmt.Println("Response ------------")
Save the above code to a file "sqs-demo.go", compile with go build
and run it.
--Happy Hacking